When you have a dental emergency, you don’t want to worry about where or when you will get immediate care. By nature, emergencies are unexpected, so we always leave time in our day for patients who need to see us right away.
If you or your child needs an emergency dentist, please call our Kingsport, TN dental office. A caring member of our team will respond immediately and arrange an appointment to see you as quickly as possible, usually the same day.
Of course, emergencies don’t always conveniently happen during office hours, and we want you to know that you have somewhere to turn if it is after hours. Simply call our emergency dental office at (423) 239-8021 and leave a voice mail. We assure you that Dr. Hagan will get back to you right away to answer your questions and give you instructions for handling your situation until we can see you.
Please note that if a dental injury includes the face or jaw or loss of consciousness, you should call 911 or go directly to the emergency room.
If You Have a Dental Emergency in Kingsport, TN, Contact Us
We prioritize quick treatment for your dental emergency. Contact us today for more information and assistance from your emergency dentist in Kingsport.