When you think about bridges, you probably picture some of the iconic landmarks in cities like New York, San Francisco, or London. These bridges provide a structural function to the communities that surround them by helping close the gap between two places.
Much as architectural bridges connect two otherwise-separate locations, dental bridges provide connection and uniformity for teeth.
If you’ve ever wondered, “What’s a bridge in teeth?” you aren’t the only one. Many people are unfamiliar with dental bridges, and you might not know anything about them unless you’ve needed one yourself.
How do dental bridges work?
Dental bridges take the place of missing teeth. These oral appliances differ from stand-alone tooth replacement options, such as dental implants, because they rely on the help of neighboring teeth to function.
You can replace one or more missing teeth with a dental bridge in Kingsport, TN, and there are several different varieties of dental bridges available. The classic style of dental bridge that most patients choose consists of at least one artificial tooth, known as a pontic, that is surrounded on both sides by ceramic or porcelain dental crowns.
A dental bridge works by structurally connecting, or “bridging,” the space left behind by a missing tooth. Our Kingsport dentist places the pontic tooth in the gap in your mouth and then attaches the artificial tooth crowns to your neighboring teeth. These dental crowns give the pontic and the bridge the overall support they need to function and improve your bite.
Is a dental bridge right for me?
A dental bridge could be right for you if you’re missing at least one natural tooth and need to fill in gaps in your smile. You must commit to excellent oral hygiene when you have a dental bridge, as the device itself and the natural teeth underneath the tooth crowns require extra daily cleaning and care.
To learn more about dental bridge Kingsport TN, please contact our team at Hagan Dentistry by calling (423) 239-8021 today.